Birth Parent Retreats

Stay tuned for details on our next Retreat in SUMMER 2025

MPower Alliance's Retreats put the power of healing directly into your hands. Our retreats provide a nurturing, safe space for birth mothers/parents* to connect, grow, and heal with others who understand their experiences. 

  • There is a small cost (TBD) for birth mothers/parents to attend MPower Alliance's retreats (five meals and snacks included). Birth mothers/parents do need to provide their own transportation to/from the retreats.**
  • Weekend retreats begin on a Friday evening and conclude Sunday at 12:00pm.
  • Most retreats have approximately 15-20 attendees.
  • The retreats consist of large group sessions, smaller groups, an art project, and some type of easy embodiment practice. There is also a lot of free time to rest, go on a walk, read, connect with other birth parents, etc.
  • All retreat attendees are birth mothers/parents who voluntarily, or involuntarily, relinquished their child(ren) for adoption.
  • Retreats are facilitated by MPA leadership consisting of other birth mothers/parents.
  • Space is limited at retreats and based on a first-come, first-served basis. A waitlist is created once we've reached capacity. 

All generations of birth parents are welcome at our Retreats. While there are differences in experiences, it is also an opportunity to learn and support one another.

Here are just a few highlights of what birth mothers/parents have to say about their experience attending MPA Retreats:

"I found MPower Alliance when I was 3 years into my birth mom journey. I was a complete wreck when I arrived, but was greeted by so many women who understood, didn't judge me, and welcomed me with open arms. It was the first time I felt at peace in a long time. I had no idea that weekend I would be making some amazing new friends who have been by my side ever since. The retreat groups and conversations have helped me so much in dealing with the grief, helping me grow, and accept my true authentic self. There was healing just being around women who understand what it's like to feel like the forgotten."

“The experiences provided by this organization for those in the adoption world are indispensable. The Retreat experience was astounding, the space, meeting others, the counseling, the lifelong relationships made. I can confidently say my child, their family, and of course, myself, are all in a better place directly due to the resources I was given by MPower Alliance post-adoption.”

"I was nearly 14 years post-relinquishment before I ever met another birth mother, and I met those birth mothers by attending an MPower Alliance retreat. It was way outside of my comfort zone to attend a retreat, but I am so glad that I did! I have attended a few MPower Alliance retreats. Not only do I now have a community of birth mothers, I have gained new tools to manage the grief of losing my child to adoption, and I feel I am a better parent for my child."

If you are interested in receiving MPA services, please fill out our application HERE.


*Our retreats are intended for those who no longer have parental rights of their child or children due to closed or open adoption placement.

**MPower Alliance is a small organization with limited funding. There might be occasions when MPA can assist with some travel expenses to our retreats. If the cost of travel would make a retreat inaccessible for you, please contact MPA to discuss, as we may be able to arrange carpooling situations for local attendees.