Dr. Cammy Froude ran a wonderful webinar for our community last Friday. Thank you Dr. Froude! Read on for the presentation, takeaways, and some recommendations discussed by our group.

The COVID Journey--Now What?!
Read and download Dr. Froude's presentation here. For a full video recording of our webinar, please contact [email protected].

Dr. Froude and the group discussed and did activities around productivity hacks and arranging our priorities while sheltering in place. There was also discussion around feeling lonely versus being alone, which many are experiencing during this time.

One of our participants recommended a self-compassion workshop taught by a colleague on Sundays. To participate in the workshop, please email [email protected].

Another participant in Colorado is hosting two upcoming Yin Yoga and Acupressure workshops on Saturday, April 25th, and Saturday, May 9th. Click HERE for registration details!

Pearl Chen


Where Birthmothers Flourish Through Individual and Community Support